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Read Around The World
Do you have a favorite international author, illustrator, book? Let us know and we’ll try to get them on the show.
Spring 2022 RATW Recordings
Janelle Diller
Janelle Diller has always had a passion for writing. As a young child, she wouldn’t leave home without a pad and pencil just in case her novel hit her and she had to scribble it down quickly. She eventually learned that good writing takes a lot more time and effort than this. Fortunately, though, she still loves to write. She’s especially lucky because she also loves to travel. It doesn’t get any better than writing stories about traveling! In addition to writing Pack-n-Go Girls Adventures, Janelle has also written award winning books for adults, including The Virus, a political thriller, and the Never Enough series, which is set in Kansas during the Depression and World War II. Janelle and her husband live on a sailboat in Mexico in the winter and in a house in Colorado in the summer. Janelle will be reading aloud her book "Mystery of the Thief in the Night."
Dawn Doig
Dawn Doig is the author (and sometimes illustrator) of 15 children’s picture books. As a certified Canadian audiologist for 23 years, she was able to reach Kuwait, England, the far north of Canada (Northwest Territories and Nunavut), and Saudi Arabia. In 2013, she went back to school to complete a second master’s degree, this time in education. Currently, Dawn is a teacher of English as an additional language. Her first job teaching was in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. She experienced trading parkas, heavy boots, gloves, scarves and pollution masks for short-sleeved shirts, sunglasses and sandals and relocated to Yaoundé, Cameroon almost four years ago.
Marty Chan
Marty Chan writes books for kids, plays for adults, and tweets for fun. He’s best known for his Marty Chan Mystery series, which won the 2005 City of Edmonton Book Prize and the 2007 Diamond Willow Award. He works and lives in Edmonton with his wife Michelle. When he’s not writing, Marty spends his free time practicing magic tricks and playing Wordle.
Zinet Kemal
Zinet Kemal is an immigrant from Ethiopia and a career changer into cybersecurity. Zinet is also a self- published #1 BestSelling author of children’s book titled “Proud in Her Hijab: A Story of Family Strength, Empowerment and Identity.” She is also working on her second children’s book about teaching kids about online safety in this digital world and about sparking interest to young kids especially girls into the field of cybersecurity as well. Zinet is a wife and mom of four aged between 11 and 2 years old.
Gloria Amescua
Gloria Amescua (Ah MES qua) has been a writer since she was a child, writing poems and stories throughout her life. She loves books that reach a young person’s heart, head or funny bone and strives to do just that in her writing. She is an educator, poet and children’s book writer. Abrams Books for Young Readers publishes her picture book biography in verse, Child of the Flower-Song People: Luz Jiménez, Daughter of the Nahua, August 17, 2021. Duncan Tonatiuh is the illustrator. An earlier version won the 2016 Lee and Low New Voices Honor Award. A variety of literary journals and anthologies have published Gloria’s poetry. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt published one of her poems in their national textbook literature series. Gloria received both her B. A. and M. Ed. degrees from the University of Texas at Austin. The grandmother of two amazing granddaughters, Gloria believes in children, pets and possibilities.
Debbie Martin
Debbie is an award-winning British author writing under 4 pen names: D.B. Martin - psychological thrillers Debrah Martin - literary fiction and non-fiction Lily Stuart - YA teenage detective series: Debbie Martin - children's books Debbie Martin is the hooman who looks after the real-life Boggle, Bruce, and Wise-Dog-Next-Door (Rosie, who features in later books in the series) and is also the mastermind between the gas-guzzling Ali En and his sidekick the mischievous B.A.D. Robot. She also created the wise-cracking, clever-pants teenage detective, Lily S as her first foray into children's fiction after laughing her way all through Joanna Nadin's hilarious 'My So-Called Life'.
Fall 2021 RATW Recordings
Zinet Kemal
Zinet Kemal is an immigrant from Ethiopia and a career changer into cybersecurity. Zinet is also a self- published #1 BestSelling author of children’s book titled “Proud in Her Hijab: A Story of Family Strength, Empowerment and Identity.” She is also working on her second children’s book about teaching kids about online safety in this digital world and about sparking interest to young kids especially girls into the field of cybersecurity as well. Zinet is a wife and mom of four aged between 11 and 2 years old.
Dr. Omerine Aseh
Dr. Omerine Aseh was born in the Western African country of Cameroon. Her mission in life is to help her patients restore balance in their lives and remove their barriers to greater achievement. She has helped over twenty thousand patients, executives, and VIPs.As the mother of three boys, Dr. Omerine understands the challenges of maintaining a successful career while still being the backbone of a family. She is the author of 'My Lucky Skin.'
Gulistan Yildiz Mentes
I’m the author of six children’s stories. I live in Turkey with my family. When I was a child, I used to create lots of stories in my imagination. I was extremely curious about books, different cultures and countries. I write books in English and Turkish. My first children’s book The Gold-Hearted Tiger is available in English, Turkish, Hindi, French, and Spanish. I am currently working on three different books. My two sons inspire me immensely when I write a book. It is my dream to touch many children’s hearts across the world via by books
Warren Landrum
Globe-Trotting Children’s and Travel Book Author Warren G. Landrum, Jr. is an Award-Winning Author, Editor, Poet, Air Force vet, Community Activist, Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity member, Husband, Dad, and Grandfather. He was born and raised in the steel-mill town of East Chicago, Indiana and currently resides in Grand Prairie, Texas. Warren has written and published 10 books to date, including this one. They span many different genres, including Travel, Children’s Books, Sports Biography, Fiction and Politics.
Julie Connor
She started out thinking she would be a writer, detoured into the U.S. Foreign Service, and after retirement returned to a writing career. She is the author of an award-winning book, Savoring the Camino de Santiago, and the owner and editor of Bayou City Press in Houston, TX, which focuses on writing about travel, Houston, and international affairs.